Whale swims in ‘Eua
‘Eua Island is widely regarded by those “in the know” as the best place to swim and photograph whales underwater in the Kingdom of Tonga! The key reasons for this are the very clear waters and the lack of competition between operators due to a small number of licenced operators only working from ‘Eua Island.
The official whale swim season is from July 1 till the end of November each year. Fortunately, the island of ‘Eua is located at the southern end of the Kingdom and are very fortunate to have the whales arrive first, (typically in late May/early June) and have them present till late November and early December! Spearfishing Tonga can arrange whale swims during these time periods. It is not unusual to see whale’s whist spearfishing the waters of ‘Eua and these “chance encounters” are simply amazing!